Osteo Orchestrator

Osteo Orchestrator

Necara's Osteo Orchestrator provides orchestration, management and monitoring functions on top of the uses of Osteo DPE™. This allows processing data flows to be differentiated and coordinated, and enabled advanced Command and Control (C2) capabilities for clusters of Osteo DPE™ instances. Whether it's configuring a cluster of Osteo DPE™ instances for a specific, granular processing flow, or monitoring entire clusters of instances, Osteo Orchestrator allows you the single-point-of-operations you need over your Osteo DPE™ instances.

Use Case Examples

  • Flexible Sensor Ingest & Routing: Sensors at the edge, activation and routing based on need.
  • Multi-mission Data Flows: Easy configure instances to handle a mission data flow, repurpose those elements to handle a different mission flow, offering true multi-mission operations.
  • Processing System Monitoring & Failover: Monitor instances in a single group for error or alarm conditions, and facilitate failover to a redundant group if needed.
  • Support Global Operations: Group Instances by Region or Zone - monitor instance for resource planning and provisioning.

Orchestrator Advantages

Osteo Orchestrator Screenshot - Instances
Osteo Orchestrator Screenshot - Instance Groups
Osteo Orchestrator Screenshots (Instances & Groups)

Group Instances Logically

Osteo Orchestrator allows the user to group multiple Osteo DPE™ instances into Instance Groups, and operate on those groups as a singular entity. This allows the provision/segregation of instances based on function, location/region, or other logical grouping - making management and monitoring of your cluster(s) more manageable.

Flexible & Easy Group Reconfiguration

Once an Instance Group or Groups are defined, they can be operated on as a singular entity. This allows reconfiguration of the group as a whole or in part, via a Configuration Series, allowing instances to specialize/coordinate for a distributed processing flow. Additionally, Group Procedures can executed, enabling not only the configuration of select instances within a group, but the settings of parameters, triggering plugin commands, or start/stop of aspects of a processing flow. This enables a highly responsive and flexible infrastructure, enhancing fault tolerance and streamlining monitoring.

Role-based Access Controls (RBAC)

Necara's Osteo Orchestrator incorporates our RBAC paradigms, providing the ability to set granular permissions for both users and API keys. The RBAC functionality also incorporates data access scopes, enabling further restrictions to users, allowing managers and admins to choose who can do what on a per cluster or instance group basis. Support for Multi-factor Authentication is also provided, enabling OTP, SMS or Email MFA protections out-of-the-box.

Contact us today to for a datasheet or to determine how Osteo Orchestrator can benefit your organization!