Necara has a very broad set of expertise its gathered developing software in a range of domains. Most of our domain experience is in the Aerospace/Defense - because of that, we have a uniquely developed skill set at integrating various hardware, tools, technologies and testing approaches to accomplish the mission. Whether it's helping you build software for an innovative sensor platform, or building the cloud platform to enable that at scale, we can - and have - done that.
At our core, we are Technologists & Engineers. We love solving problems - and bringing interesting approaches and tools to bear on those problems. We continually research new approaches, new tools and technologies, and integrate those into our products or help customers leverage those as appropriate.
As engineers, we are major proponents of Open-Source Software (OSS). Some of us are, or have been, contributors to open-source projects. We use OSS, we evangelize it, and where we can intelligently leverage it for our customers to expand their capabilities - we will. However, we also understand the license types behind most, and while we are not lawyers (disclaimer) we know the types to use to or not, and are willing to communicate that to our customers.
Given the above, we are well-versed in the Linux world - and 99% of our projects use Linux and/or are developed on Linux.
We regularly develop in the below software languages, depending on the target environment, capabilities and requirements for the given project. As technologists, we are familiar with other languages; however, the below are things we consistently deal in.
In conjunction with the above languages, we are well-versed in the below enabling tools, libraries and technologies. We regularly and consistently leverage these tools to meet customer and internal needs, where appropriate. We have other, often more obscure, unknown or legacy tools on our belt - but below outline some common tools we use (outside of development tools).